Sunday, February 25, 2007


上次看《火的战车(Chariots of Fire)》 已经是十多年前的事了,而且那次看的还不是完整版,是我们那个省的电视台为了避免版权问题剪的一个一小时解说版。这些年一直没想起来,倒是看过好几遍拿它 开玩笑的那集Seinfeld。没说的,真正的经典,是我最喜欢的两部体育电影之一,另一部是《胜利大逃亡(Victory)》。英国人拍起那个时代总是 带些怀旧和伤感,没办法:大英帝国的荣光一去不复返了;运动员主要来自上流社会的历史过去了;白人包揽奥运会百米前三名也大概永远不会再出现了。我热爱这部电影,可是我更加庆幸没有生在那个时代,而是生活在现在的这个,每个有才能有热情的人都有权利,有条件,有机会选择科学、艺术、体育、娱乐的,人类历史上 从未有过的伟大时代。

片中的几个主要人物都有原型,情节大致和历史吻合,当然也可以想像地比史实要戏剧性一些。象Eric Liddell其实在三个月前就知道了比赛要在星期天举行,于是早早地放弃了一百米并且做好了改跑四百米的准备;Lord Lindsay 的原型Lord Burghley并没有得到一百一十米跨栏的银牌(不过他在四年后阿姆斯特丹奥运会上得了四百米跨栏金牌),当然也不需要让出他的四百米赛资格;Lord Burghley还是剑桥大学真正第一个在大钟响完十二下之内跑完的三一学院大广场(Great Court of Trinity College)的人,而不是跟在电影的主角Harold Abrahams后 面创造的记录。其它关于主人公生平的叙述大致是准确的:Abrahams一直活到1978年,电影以他的葬礼开始,以他的葬礼结束(这让我想起《阿拉伯的 劳伦斯(Lawrence of Arabia)》);Liddell奥运会后不久回到中国,先后在天津和韶昌传教,有个中文名字叫李爱锐。后来二战爆发,Liddell于1943年被日本人关进集中营,在狱中成为囚犯领袖;1945年二月死于过度劳累和营养不良引起的脑癌,葬于石家庄,此时离日本投降只有半年多一点。――他是一个比电影里更加了不起的英雄。


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy this film too. I read the script first when I was like 13. I was enchanted by this Chinese title of the film. Then only much later I watched the film many times since I came to the US. I enjoyed the music so much as well. Believe the winner of Oscar acheivement award last night is the composer. Some how, the ending of the film, when the father and son and the dog stoodd on the beach and watched them running, then the dog run up to chase them, always moved me. And Eric's devotion to religtion and china makes me believe that he is not only a man of principle, but passion, I respect the former, but always always love the latter. This will always be one of my favoriate films.

Anonymous said...

No the Oscar winner last night wrote the score for Cinema Paradiso..not this one.

Anonymous said...

Suggest another one -- seabiscuit
Like the novel better, which I listened an audio book -- maybe it's not a good idea to listen such a book while driving :)


Albatross said...

Vivian, yes, the music is by Vangelis:
I love the beach scene too -- I guess eveybody does, including the director himself -- he showed it twice, one in the begainning, one in the end.

Yong, I just added Seabiscuit to my Netflix queue.