As soon as you start talking about political things, that's when everybody weighs in. Yeah, everybody gets pissed off. Because a lot of people are very extreme, people are very sure about what they believe. They're on the far right, or they're on the far left of politics. If you're on the far right or the far left, you know what you've done now? You've gone too far. Because that's where you find the extremist whackos, right out there.
After that 9/11 I was so mad, I said "That's it, I'm becoming a hard-nosed, hard-assed right-wing Republican f***er." So you run all the way over to the far right side, and there they are. There's your right wing crew, a bunch of money grubbing, greenhouse gassing, seal clubbing, oil drilling, Bible thumping, missile firing, right-to-life-ing, lethal injecting hypocrites. There they are, people whose idea of a good time is strapping a dead panda to the front of a Lincoln Navigator and running over everybody in the Gay Parade.
Well, I can't deal with them. Get outta here. I'm going over here to the left side, to be with all these loony lefty liberal people. And there's the crew, a bunch of bong smoking, America bashing, flag burning, yoga posing, incense burning, dolphin saving, salmon eating hypocrites. There they are, there's the crew. These are the sensitive liberal people who are always yelling about everybody's freedom of speech and expression .... unless you happen to say something that pisses them off! Then they can't wait to tie your ass to the back bumper of a Toyota hybrid and drag you to the Berkeley campus and drop your carcass in front of the Fidel Castro Building for the Continuing Study of Why America Sucks. Lunatics!
The only place that makes sense to be is a little more moderate, in here, right? The centrist, the middle, like me, yeah .... bunch of flip flopping, fence sitting, half in ,half out, half-assed, non-voting so they can bitch no matter who wins. Those are your guys.
But the ones that annoy me slightly more than all the rest of us are the trillionaire bleeding heart liberals, people who are going to change the world if they have to spend every buck of your money to do it. The limousine liberal people. People living in a mansion with 20 rooms no one is in, they're air-conditioned. Got a pool that nobody goes in, it's heated. Flying across the country in a 20-person jet all by themselves because they don't want to be late for a speech about energy conservation. (various rude gestures).
济南话里常有神来之笔。比如“论堆(音嘴,一声)了”,意思可以解释成说某人已经不管不顾,放任自流,“let it go”了-不过像一切地道的土话一样,这里面总有些搔不到痒处的地方。为什么“论堆了”是这个意思呢?我自己有一个解释:想象菜农摆摊卖菜,黄瓜一块白菜五毛地跟顾客讨价还价忙活一天。最后天要黑了,人也乏了,菜还剩些,就干脆不论斤两,“论堆”卖得了。以此类推,人要是放任自己也就是等于把自己“论堆了”-这都是我自己瞎猜的,不知对否?
济南话里常听见“五脊子六兽”这个词。“五脊子六兽”(音wú jī zi liù shòu,一部分济南人常将“脊”读成“拘”音),多用来形容抓耳挠腮、手脚无措、无可奈何、神不守舍、张狂炫耀、心烦意乱的样子。如:“你看他,将(刚)挣了俩钱儿,就烧得五脊子六兽咧。”“一天到晚没事儿干,闲得他五脊子六兽的。”那么,这“五脊子六兽”到底是什么东西呢?