Friday, August 18, 2006



几天前看Travel Channel,Anthony Bourdain吃重庆火锅,只见红,没有白,大小盘子满满一桌,什么都有,过瘾。

Bourdain 像是真正的馋人,去的地方很地道:在北京是利群烤鸭店,爆肚陈,六必居…;四川是火锅店(名字忘了),茶馆,还有个山民的家…。他说只有走街串巷, 才能尝到真味道-这个我很同意,更进一步的话:我觉得只有小饭馆才好吃:厨房呛,桌椅油,师傅土,杯盘旧,装修俗,酒菜才香,胃口才开。


1 comment:

NYE said...

when you two come to NYC, I shall take you to some really good hot pot places, might be better than those in LA, although nothing even close to the small restaurant in Sichuan I am sure...